Friday, July 24, 2009


Heavenly Father, Lord and Savior,Jesus, how grateful and happy we are for those who roll up their sleeves and get involved in Kingdom work. They carry the burdens of those who are weighed down with pain from the past or presently pain. They pray people through to salvation. They visit the sick and imprisoned. They give generously of their resources, help and time. They take a stand for righteousness sake. They endure trial after trial, they fall and they give up and continue to lend a helping hand to the people around them. These fellow workers make the journey a little sweeter and a lot more enjoyable as we travel through to the other side. We give thanks for our fellow believers who come alongside us, and help us see you plans for our lives. We ask of you Lord to help these helper to say in your words and always show their love to other no matter what. And we give thanks for those whose kinship we feel through the daily encouragement. Bless our fellow workers in Your name, Lord Jesus, we pray. Amen.

Author, Shelly, and Unknown

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