Monday, July 30, 2018

Thankful for the goodness of Good
He's protect us at all time.
He's the way the truth and the shield.
Praise is name for his love for us. 
I am still here.

I will never leave you or forsaken you
Said the Lord.

Dear God thank you. You are our father and provider.
Today we thank you for your goodness
and kindness toward us.
Thank you

Saturday, February 9, 2013

He's Great!

My Pride

My Joy

My Happiness
I Am Thankful!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Friday, March 2, 2012

IT'S 2012: Praise Him, THE MOST HIGH

Bigger and Stronger

If God is with you (for you), and if you are in him. Then who can be against you or stand against you?
Praise the LORD. I am still here, He has me here for a reason.
I will serve the Lord forever.
"Here I am! I stand at the door and knock,
If anyone hears my voice and opens the door,
I will come in and eat with him, and he with me"
(Rev. 3:20).

Praise your name Father above all things.
I am grateful for the renewal of my mind and soul
Thanks you for each day and for the opportunities to grow stronger in You
You alone are worthy, I praise you for the new year and the strenght you have given to me to face each day, all because of you I can truly say It was you who carried me throught the storm.
Lord as I continued to opened up to you use and change me to your will, your ways.
This day and forever I surrender your people's ways to your ways, I asked of you for your will be done in your children. There are people in this country and all over the world who are searching your ways but just can't seemed to find because all the ditractions in there eyes, I prayed that you light may over power the devious work in this world. You , O Lord are might and powerful. Let you power shine so men may see and follow you . In your precious Son's Jesus Name I pray Amen.

Thursday, January 20, 2011


I am renew
I am blessed
I am forgiven
I am owned
I am love
I am cared for
I am above
I am taken
I am still his child
I love this man who silents my river
The man who calm my worries
The man who cares for all of his children
The man who is never bias
He never negelected us
Jesus   Jesus   Jesus all because of you I am saved and proctected. Love you, love you, Love

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Things My Children Says

Suffer the little children
to come unto me

I always noticed Isaac always takes his underpant off before he would put his pj's on. I ignored it for months.
Once day just being noises and curious, I asked, ' Isaac, why do you always take your underpants off before you put your pj's on? he replied mommy, its my superman underpants and he makes me behave badly.
What I said, was o.k and that was it for me.

God is good because there are times and places for everything.
our attitude changes with people that we are with each day. when we are at church we now how to behave right. But when we are with others at the wrong places, we act differently.
God doesn't want two or three faces children (or a person who worship two to three different Gods, he want children with one faith and belief).
Chose your location/ place and have the same spirit and attitude for Jesus Christ.

Lord help us to acknowledges you at all times. To know that we are always in her presence.
That you sees us. remind us that we are your messagers and we should let people see your light shines in us. so they too may want to follow the light.
Teach us to stay the same, Thanks you Lord God for being the same.